Atlas Slovenia, 2022-23
Atlas Slovenia explores environmental matterings in the area of Republic of Slovenia, questions visions of our living conditions, the technologies we use to understand the environment, and the data that are of a specific quality, or data that are in the function of one or another agenda.
Sentinel Citizen, 2019-2020
The Sentinel Citizen project takes its name from the Sentinel satellite family, to propose a very special member, an engaged citizen observing the quality of the living environment. While citizen science is one of the essential approaches in citizens’ engagement in science, the Sentinel Citizen pilot project aims to demonstrate a model of citizen science action, where citizens do not only volunteer their labour for top-down scientific research but are engaged because they understand that scientifically grounded societal actions are crucial for their quality of life., 2019-2020
Miha Turšič & Špela Petrič
The project is going to demonstrate embeddedness of human agency into the environmental condition and by that a transition from technological into the ecological world, where supercomputers as epistemological tools play a central role in making the world (appear) ecological.
Roscosmoe, 2018
Xavier Bailly, Ewen Chardronnet, Špela Petrič, Miha Turšič
Roscosmoe aims to develop and design a series of experiences and bioregenerative life-support systems to assess the behavior of the photosymbiotic marine worm Symsagittifera roscoffensis in a variety of gravitational environments, including zero-gravity conditions. The interdisciplinary project Roscosmoe aims to study the potential of terrestrial and marine biodiversity in the field of space research. It connects marine biology, design, anthropology of science and intermedia art.
Becoming.a(thing), 2017
Miha Turšič & Špela Petrič
This project is an outcome of the Future Emerging Art and Technology (FEAT) residency during which new media artists Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič undertook the challenge of understanding and manifesting the artistic potential of high-performance computing (HPC). As a result of the collaboration with FET-HPC the artists developed a concept liberated from the complex computational technicity to underscore the (un)intentional construction of meaning by algorithmic agencies. The performance presents a congress of actors sensing, interrogating and interrupting each other, thereby producing an excess of relation, interpretation and translation. The heterogeneous congress performs an expulsion of imposed (anthropogenic) meaning, substituted by authentic, autogenic sense and non-sense.
LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery, School of Life Sciences, Old Hawkhill Road, University of Dundee, Dundee, 2017
Pixxelpoint, 2013
Voyager/140AU, 2013
Miha Turšič & Špela Petrič
Non-human agents series investigates possible art forms in outer space. After more than half a century of remarkable achievements in space exploration, we appeal to the wider space community to recognise the research in arts and humanities as development practices complementary to the existing fields of space science and technology and therefore to integrate them into space programmes. Existing space programmes focus mainly on understanding the farthest of our surroundings and on developing technological solutions, but tend to overlook the importance of non-scientific research of our ex-terrestrial becoming. In response to new conditions, knowledge and technology, we are developing new artistic methodologies to research the subjective, context dependent value of scientific knowledge; to develop artistic entities; to study the human condition in relation to the non-human; and to research art and humanities in outer space.
Works : Voyager/140AU, Voyager/EME, Voyager/0.12, PX: The Deep Swell to Infinitesimal Probability, Actuator:MG
Trieste Constructivist Cabinet, 2011 (1927)
Dragan Živadinov, Miha Turšič
Reconstruction of the original work is based on a research of a few surviving photographies and written descriptions from the time. Živadinov writes of the project, “In the Trieste Constructivist Cabinet, architecture as ambient and architecture as exhibit have come together. The cabinet is also an extraordinary work of art because the artists built into the artwork a competitive stylistic formation, Suprematism, in a meta-constructive way. They transformed the productive energy of the work into supremate ‘pure functioning,’ which manifests itself in the ambient with a levitational construction.”
Islelounge, 2005
Asobi (co-author Miha Turšič)
Isle Lounge is a sofa large enough to seat several people in comfort. Originally developed in 2005 as part of the products for zero gravity. Isle Lounge is now a commercial product targeting architectural practices and private clients who appreciate furniture with strong conceptual background and innovative functionality.